
Central Oklahoma Hunt-433 views

Elviss bog and recently departed dog-429 views4 geese 3 shots some of the old girls last retrieves before haeding to the big duckpond in the sky.

dog & boy-595 viewsmy boy with some geese and my old dog who we had to put down recently( the big C )

Just after Christmas 2008 Central Oklahoma-452 viewsThis was one of the last hunts I enjoyed with my best hunting partner Suzy... She is missed to this very day!

My wife and her dad-645 viewsOur honeymoon hunt that we took my father in law on.

My wife inthelight and I inthedark-513 viewson our honeymoon hunting snows, Canada's and ducks

inthelight, inthedark, Ray, Bill and Mylie-513 viewsOur hunting party. We limited out on geese and ducks. Bill is from Ontario and had never limited out before on geese. He was one happy camper.

682 viewsM


Good Morning-383 viewsOne good morning, didn't even empty the thermos.

Not a bad day-425 views

Tundra's-389 views