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Pumpkinslinger Super Member

Joined: Sep 22, 2007 Posts: 5052 Location: NC foothills
Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2024 9:09 pm Post subject: .38 Special "Buck & ball" loads? |
(Yet another project I haven't completed ...)
Actually its more like buck and shot. The idea is to have a "woods load" when I wander the edge of the swamp at my daughter's, with the buck & shot in the first chamber of the revolver and good hollow points in the rest. My reasoning for the ball & shot load stems from a run in with a rabid raccoon some years back, plus some incidents with copperheads and a water moccasin. I know the shot alone will take care of snakes but the round ball should help with anything bigger. The .32 caliber ball should be at least as effective as a .22 LR.
Speer .38 shot capsules have been unobtainable for a couple of years at least. Midway got some in a few months ago so I grabbed two boxes (total of 100). I found a box of Hornady .32 caliber lead round balls and a friend gave me a handfull each of #7 and #9 shot.
The ID at the mouth of the capsules is about 0.311", but it has a slight taper inside so the front ID is smaller. To get the round ball to fit easier I ran them through a 0.308 bullet sizing die from Lee. At that diameter the ball gets stuck about 1/2 of the way into the capsule. Right now it looks like the best way to load the capsule is to fill it half way with shot, stick the ball in, and then fill the remaining space with shot. I'm using a Lee powder scoop to measure the amount of shot.
The capsules themselves weigh about 8.2 grains, including the end cap. The .32 round ball weighs about 45 grains. Filled with #9 shot a capsule weighs about 108.4 grains. with #7 shot they weigh about 101.5 grains. With #9 and a .32 round ball, about 121.2. #7 and a round ball, 116.6. Per Speer's recomendation I'm going to load these to get 1000-1100 ft/sec from a 4" barrel.
I'll get some photos of the components, finished cartridges, and results to post later.
_________________ Mike
"I ain't no better than anybody else, and there ain't nobody better than me!" Ma Kettle |
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Aloysius Super Member

Joined: Nov 03, 2009 Posts: 2465 Location: B., Belgium
Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 3:22 am Post subject: Re: .38 Special "Buck & ball" loads? |
In my opinion it's no use shooting shot true a threaded barrel, the spread it to much.
I have used the .22 shotshell in a threaded barrel and IMHO it has more affect when you trow the round instead of shooting it to your target. But I have also used the .22 shot in a smooth barrel, a very old rifle, and I could kill a rat at 10 m or more... these smooth barreled .22 rifles were used in the past to do some (small) claybirths in your garden and I can assure you they realy perform well.
On the other hand I also have these capsules to load shot in a .44 RM and I still have an article somewhere with these capsules not loaded with shot, but with pieces of copper and steel wire... and I remember they shot cleaned chickens hanging on a door... the wounds were nasty...
so maybe you should try some paper, cork or plastic wads on top of your powder and fill the case with pieces of copper wire, cut at the right length?
Now you got me started thinking and we even don't have snakes in our country... maybe we do have some law that forbits the use in a handgun of ammo that can split as we are also not allowed to use HP-bullets in a handgun...
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Vince Site Admin

Joined: May 25, 2005 Posts: 15929 Location: Brisbane AUSTRALIA
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Bushmaster Super Member

Joined: Jun 12, 2005 Posts: 11452 Location: Ava, Missouri
Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 3:07 pm Post subject: Re: .38 Special "Buck & ball" loads? |
Hold on, Pumkinslinger...While I pop some popcorn and get a cold Yuengling.
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Pumpkinslinger Super Member

Joined: Sep 22, 2007 Posts: 5052 Location: NC foothills
Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 6:11 pm Post subject: Re: .38 Special "Buck & ball" loads? |
Yep fellers, I know that the shot cartridges are short range propositions. I've used the .22 Mag loads on snakes. Realistic distances are measured in feet. I plan to start my testing at 6-8 feet, and am prepared to go closer. When I shot snakes before it was at 4-5 feet.
As for the .410 pistols. I am totally underwhelmed.
_________________ Mike
"I ain't no better than anybody else, and there ain't nobody better than me!" Ma Kettle |
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Bushmaster Super Member

Joined: Jun 12, 2005 Posts: 11452 Location: Ava, Missouri
Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 9:10 pm Post subject: Re: .38 Special "Buck & ball" loads? |
Years ago (not that far back) I played with the same idea. I used .38 Spec. cases, #7 shot and a 125 gr .38 (.357) bullet. I started with the low end of the powder charge, wrapped the #7 shot in a paper "bag" and seated the 125 grain bullet to the proper depth and crimped it with a Lee factory crimp die. After several tests with varying powder charges. I figured out that it would be very rare for me to encounter an angry Diamondback and an enraged Puma at the same time. So ended my testing.
Watch out the paper "bag" doesn't set the forest on fire.
_________________ I have one nerve left and yer standin' on it...
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Elvis Super Member

Joined: Jul 27, 2008 Posts: 9359 Location: south island New Zealand
Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 11:52 pm Post subject: Re: .38 Special "Buck & ball" loads? |
Try without the buckshot pellets and throw in some #BB instead... And/or 2_3_4_5 size shot as well. Mixed sizes just behave differently so MIGHT work for you. If you need the buckshot ball you shoot again as you then using your std load.
_________________ You shot it You pluck it !
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Pumpkinslinger Super Member

Joined: Sep 22, 2007 Posts: 5052 Location: NC foothills
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Bushmaster Super Member

Joined: Jun 12, 2005 Posts: 11452 Location: Ava, Missouri
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 12:04 pm Post subject: Re: .38 Special "Buck & ball" loads? |
Hummm...Sounds like a personal problem.
_________________ I have one nerve left and yer standin' on it...
DEMOCRACY Two wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for lunch...
LIBERTY A well armed sheep contesting the outcome of the vote... |
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Vince Site Admin

Joined: May 25, 2005 Posts: 15929 Location: Brisbane AUSTRALIA
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:59 pm Post subject: Re: .38 Special "Buck & ball" loads? |
Bushmaster wrote: |
Hummm...Sounds like a personal problem. |

_________________ Cheers, Vince 
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Elvis Super Member

Joined: Jul 27, 2008 Posts: 9359 Location: south island New Zealand
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 11:50 pm Post subject: Re: .38 Special "Buck & ball" loads? |
Yeah just use vacuum cleaner...sounds great as they whiiiizzzz up the great when the spent primer catcher getting full too.
_________________ You shot it You pluck it !
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Pumpkinslinger Super Member

Joined: Sep 22, 2007 Posts: 5052 Location: NC foothills
Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2024 5:50 pm Post subject: Re: .38 Special "Buck & ball" loads? |
Sorry for the large image.
My test went so-so. This target was shot at 2 paces. The circle is 5.25" (13.3 cm) in diameter. I used a 4" Ruger Security Six for the test gun. It was hitting about 0.75" low at that distance, verified by firing a few wadcutters. New sights on it, which I obviously need to adjust better!
This load was #9 shot in front and a .32 ball in back. You can plainly see where the ball hit. Using a Lee powder dipper. 0.7 cc of shot leaves just enough room for the round ball. The hole at the top was the staple in the backer.
At 3 paces the shot covered most of the 8.5 x 11" paper, which didn't really surprise me. The pattern was pretty irregular too, having big holes.
I'll try a few more, maybe with some tweaks, before I decide if it's worth the effort. I'll also try to chronograph the loads.

_________________ Mike
"I ain't no better than anybody else, and there ain't nobody better than me!" Ma Kettle |
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Elvis Super Member

Joined: Jul 27, 2008 Posts: 9359 Location: south island New Zealand
Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2024 10:13 pm Post subject: Re: .38 Special "Buck & ball" loads? |
try it reversed so ball is infront maybe??? that way it doesnt bully its way through the shot as it leaves barrel...
_________________ You shot it You pluck it !
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Pumpkinslinger Super Member

Joined: Sep 22, 2007 Posts: 5052 Location: NC foothills
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gelandangan Super Member

Joined: May 07, 2006 Posts: 6444 Location: Sydney Australia
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2024 2:45 pm Post subject: Re: .38 Special "Buck & ball" loads? |
Definitely do the minute of turkey.
I am curious tho, what is the average distance to shoot them creatures?
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