Strong words, but I have to agree with you about the lack of action. It has mostly been blamed on the Senate Majority Leaders bickering and then handshaking themselves into retirement. Traitorous? don't think I'd square up the Republicans vs Democrats in that way but the Republicans certainly aren't following the word of the people or keeping promises.
It's no wonder our highest ratings go to non-politicians who have nothing to lose and the politicians who are out there seem like retards.
In the recent debate for instance, Trump wants to keep our Muslim immigration on hold to help stop radicalized extremists from killing us all and his opposition laughs and calls that idea absurd. Rubio, Cruz and Jeb would rather start a war in Syria to stop Muslim immigrants from killing Americans in America. The GOP's demand that we take out ISIS would not have prevented the attack in San Bernardino as the FBI found out it was planned even before ISIS even existed.
It seems the weaker a candidate is on border control, the more he wants to go to war to stop immigration. What the heck?
From Ann Coulter;
Here's an idea: We let backward, poverty-stricken, misogynistic, clitorectomy-performing Third Worlders scratch out a living in their medieval hellholes, and just keep them out of our country. Also known as: the Trump Plan.
Rubio lectures Americans that "we need to understand who ISIS is." Rubio needs to understand what a border is. These debates have turned Republicans into self-parodies of wonkery over common sense.
Well BB I know it's all words and bluster right now but I really think something epic is happening and we're going to watch it slowly turn the tide from disabled, primping retards to border guarding, and mindful, constitutional legislation worshiping. Of course I thought that during the second coming of Obama too.....but my fingers are crossed and I'm so frickin anxious for the next election, I can't stand it. If a non-politician can get elected then (hopefully) we'll get some non-political, people minded governance.
Cruzing around I found
THIS GREAT article about the spending bill and why both parties are in agreement.