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Mountain dove hunt.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 11:39 am    Post subject: Re: Mountain dove hunt. Reply with quote

Stovey, these are rabbits, not hare. Hare is about 3-4 times bigger, doesn't go under the ground, has hair from birth on and likes long runs (= good game for beagles Smile ). Rabbits go in 'pipes' under the ground, are born naked and like short runs to their hidings.

And 5 or 6 pair of boots??? Do you shoot rabbits or do you just try to hit them with your boots?

And as always: practise makes the master Smile . The first time I went for rabbits with an airgun I only had 3. The second time I had 5. But now 24, the time before 28, the month before 29... but my all-time high of 34 is hard to beat.
And don't forget: I don't have to go looking for my arrows, not even for my hulls Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 12:01 pm    Post subject: Re: Mountain dove hunt. Reply with quote

He's using "foofoo" arrows. They don't go far afield.

I have one nerve left and yer standin' on it...

DEMOCRACY Two wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for lunch...
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 12:50 pm    Post subject: Re: Mountain dove hunt. Reply with quote

Didn't he glue them to his head?
I think maybe one day doves are going to laugh themselves to death...
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:41 pm    Post subject: Re: Mountain dove hunt. Reply with quote


And they are called FluFlu's! Not FOOFOO's.... Confused

While my hunts are not as exciting as sitting in a green belt picking off below ground bunnies coming up for air, and actually involve 'fair chase' over many miles, when the ol' eye is sharp we can roll them on the hop @ 30mph with a .22LR S&W Magpul MOE "Bunny Buster". These is small ones. The silver-back "Bull" hare's double in weight over these two.

So get stuffed and make me some slippers outa them pelts Mr. BunnySniper!

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 2:26 pm    Post subject: Re: Mountain dove hunt. Reply with quote

Changin' the tune-up on ol' Elvira fer chasin' hare's tomorrow.

Custom Trulock IM tube and some fast-steppin' #6, 1oz. Fiocchi loads.

Let'em run. This combo will reach out and touch 'em, then roll 'em big time.

Garendamtee it. Very Happy

Meet ya'll on the bunny trail thread if successful. If not, more Crow Samiches @ Bushy's Diner fer this ol' poop. Sad

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 3:45 pm    Post subject: Re: Mountain dove hunt. Reply with quote

Such a Fiocchi is also my favorit in cal 20, but I prefer #7 1/2. The smaller the shotsize, the better it listens to the choke...
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 6:56 am    Post subject: Re: Mountain dove hunt. Reply with quote

I do realize, Stovey, that you are just a young-un, but in the olden days they were called both "foofoo" and "fluflu".

I have one nerve left and yer standin' on it...

DEMOCRACY Two wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for lunch...
LIBERTY A well armed sheep contesting the outcome of the vote...
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:10 am    Post subject: Re: Mountain dove hunt. Reply with quote

Sometimes I get some nasty thoughts... What should I think of people who call their arrows "foofoo" and "fluflu", or their shotgun Elvira? Who ruin boots to get a rabbit to make slippers?
Never too old to learn because I think I missed some classes somewhere in the education process...
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 9:17 am    Post subject: Re: Mountain dove hunt. Reply with quote

Bushmaster wrote:
I do realize, Stovey, that you are just a young-un, but in the olden days they were called both "foofoo" and "fluflu".


I'd NEVER stick a FOOFOO in my quiver!


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 9:28 am    Post subject: Re: Mountain dove hunt. Reply with quote

Maybe you should. Ya might just hit something....

I have one nerve left and yer standin' on it...

DEMOCRACY Two wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for lunch...
LIBERTY A well armed sheep contesting the outcome of the vote...
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 9:35 am    Post subject: Re: Mountain dove hunt. Reply with quote

Aloysius wrote:
Such a Fiocchi is also my favorit in cal 20, but I prefer #7 1/2. The smaller the shotsize, the better it listens to the choke...

I agree! Hard shot helps too.

But- big Jack's here laugh at #7.5 unless you are right on top of one, and then its wasted...

This Benelli patterns well with the big stuff like #6 for some reason. Good load, choke and barrel. in 20ga cal helps too. For chukar (red leg partridge to you across the pond) and big hares doing 30mph #6 is the humane min. you should use. Period. #7.5 and #8 are quail and dove loads.

I do like an open choke with bigger lead. Esp in 12ga. Few years ago I was hunting large hares with my old school Winchester 1300 pump with a short tube in CYL using #4. This thing is an abosulte hoot and rolls big bunnies @ 35y no problem. Few boys said no way and called me on I took it dove hunting. I was BBQ'ing my limit of bacon wrapped cheese and pepper stuffed breasts by 10:30am. They were eating crow sammiches!

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:16 am    Post subject: Re: Mountain dove hunt. Reply with quote

The smaller shot can be produced with more antimony in the lead-mixture, which gives you harder shot.
You will notice that from about #5 and coarser, the shot will be much softer and with a lot of dents already made while filling the cartridge.

And I know it's not a rule (and because of the lead-shot-ban I'm even not allowed to try it) but I have been hunting several years with reloaded shotshells (and it costed me about twice the price of a factory round). I only used #8 and I shot several times hare crossing at 40-45 yards, NOT from behind but with enough lead from besides and they dropped death on the spot. Now hare shot from behind with such a load is something else, then you need a very good dog or you will only find your hare several weeks too late...

And I'll take my hat off for someone who can hunt with a pump. That's something I will never get in my fingers. (and I use side-by-sides, over-and-unders, semi-auto's, even doubles with exterior hammers in all kind of calibers, even reloaded with black-powder. But with a pump I will always forget to pump before I can shoot that second shot).

do you have a recipe for "crow sammiches" ?

On the other hand: better don't give it because crows are protected by the european government. We are allowed to shoot them for damage control after the necessary paperwork, but because they are protected spieces, we are not allowed to do anything else but to bury them on the spot they came down, you're not allowed to transport them. Legally when my dog is going to get a shot crow I'm already breaking some laws.

Europe is so nice. They say there is a shortage on crows... must be the same politicians who limited the power of a vacuumcleaner or recently a wather-cooker...

but they are, as far as I know, the only employees whose net salary is higher than their gross salary... impossible? just check it out!

didn't we start about dove-hunting? Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:16 am    Post subject: Re: Mountain dove hunt. Reply with quote

Bushmaster wrote:
Maybe you should. Ya might just hit something....

What thuh!!???


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:21 am    Post subject: Re: Mountain dove hunt. Reply with quote

Aloysius wrote:
The smaller shot can be produced with more antimony in the lead-mixture, which gives you harder shot.
You will notice that from about #5 and coarser, the shot will be much softer and with a lot of dents already made while filling the cartridge.

And I know it's not a rule (and because of the lead-shot-ban I'm even not allowed to try it) but I have been hunting several years with reloaded shotshells (and it costed me about twice the price of a factory round). I only used #8 and I shot several times hare crossing at 40-45 yards, NOT from behind but with enough lead from besides and they dropped death on the spot. Now hare shot from behind with such a load is something else, then you need a very good dog or you will only find your hare several weeks too late...

And I'll take my hat off for someone who can hunt with a pump. That's something I will never get in my fingers. (and I use side-by-sides, over-and-unders, semi-auto's, even doubles with exterior hammers in all kind of calibers, even reloaded with black-powder. But with a pump I will always forget to pump before I can shoot that second shot).

do you have a recipe for "crow sammiches" ?

On the other hand: better don't give it because crows are protected by the european government. We are allowed to shoot them for damage control after the necessary paperwork, but because they are protected spieces, we are not allowed to do anything else but to bury them on the spot they came down, you're not allowed to transport them. Legally when my dog is going to get a shot crow I'm already breaking some laws.

Europe is so nice. They say there is a shortage on crows... must be the same politicians who limited the power of a vacuumcleaner or recently a wather-cooker...

but they are, as far as I know, the only employees whose net salary is higher than their gross salary... impossible? just check it out!

didn't we start about dove-hunting? Smile

Man, 40y with #8? That's a head poke and my hats off to you. The hare's here #8 peppers their ears at 40Y, that's about it.

I love pumps, I shot double-trap for money with the "TANK". All guns are neat. But pump pop guns are the best.

I love your view on politics, it's for the birds! Hahahaha. Crow's are pretty useless. Destructive, can't kill 'em and there's not enuf on them to eat! That's why God made flame throwers. Zero evidence.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:48 am    Post subject: Re: Mountain dove hunt. Reply with quote

Stovey, and with an FN B-25 Special Chasse with very short barrels, having fixed chokes 1/2 and full. And that's a cal. 12, but when I see what I can do with a sweet 16 on doves...

well, let's say you go to the olympic trap, let them trow a clay straight forward and then you try to shoot it when it comes back to the ground, about 1-2 yards before it reaches the ground... tip: you need at least hold about 4 yards under the clay...

have fun and beware of the old hunters, they might be slow but can surprise you Smile
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