It's almost Time
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-> Waterfowl Hunting

#136: Re: It's almost Time Author: wiersy111Location: Central Minnesota PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:05 pm
Went out this morning, had to break ice to get to the spot we wanted to set up. Not much flying early but some big flocks later. I got a Green-wing Teal and a hen Bufflehead. A whole lot Redheads, Ringbills, a few Bluebills and a few Canvas Backs were flying around just not coming close enough. Tomorrow morning we are pulling out all the dekes and heading to the deeper water. I sure hope this works because it sure would be fun shooting some divers.

#137: Re: It's almost Time Author: ElvisLocation: south island New Zealand PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:11 pm
well you are getting something any ways. the dog may forgive you for the long off season.

#138: Re: It's almost Time Author: stovepipeLocation: Pine, Az. PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:12 am
Yay! Good show! Brrrrr.....

#139: Re: It's almost Time Author: wiersy111Location: Central Minnesota PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:23 pm
It was a bit chilly this morning, I had to break ice for almost the entire mile and a quarter to our spot. We set out 8 dozen decoys, and it was worth while. We hard most of the big flocks came over to give us a look see. But most of the time lost out to the 500 coots and duck that were sitting on the other side of the lake. I brought down three and the others had 7 between them. I did learn that you can call diver ducks. it sounds goofy but actually worked good.

#140: Re: It's almost Time Author: stovepipeLocation: Pine, Az. PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:28 pm
Awesome man! Yer on a roll! (I got ZIP last hunt, ghost town, gota move on to new spot...fak!)

Save me a drumstick. I'm grabbin' my pump the #3 steel and headin' out fer yer place dang it! Good job man. Yer in a groove now.

Thats a lota decoys!

#141: Re: It's almost Time Author: wiersy111Location: Central Minnesota PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:41 pm
That might have been my last hunt for the season. I am headed out to Washington state tomorrow morning. Saturday starts the firearms deer season and I wont be home until Monday. If there is open water yet I might steal a day and chase ducks.

#142: Re: It's almost Time Author: stovepipeLocation: Pine, Az. PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:14 am

I'm off to Az for a Gambles quail hunt with my adopted uncle. I busted up my foot some two days ago, still pretty sore...he's getting on and it might be his last hunt so...couple old beat up bastards gimpin' 'round the desert looking for birds. Laughing

At least you got some. I aint got ZIPPO yet. Mad

#143: Re: It's almost Time Author: SuzanneLocation: Eugene, Oregon PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:29 am
I miss the sound of quail and dove in the morning, where in Az?

#144: Re: It's almost Time Author: stovepipeLocation: Pine, Az. PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 7:58 am

#145: Re: It's almost Time Author: wiersy111Location: Central Minnesota PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:38 pm
Well I think it's over for the year. It was almost 60* yesterday when I had commitments that didn't allow me to chase birds, now it is less then 20* with 30mph wind and oh don't forget the snooow! The season ends Sunday and it doesn't look like the weather is going to break before then.

#146: Re: It's almost Time Author: ElvisLocation: south island New Zealand PostPosted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 5:19 pm
off up to the dam to "tag" our possies
only a few long weeks to go.
roll on 1st saturday in may

#147: Re: It's almost Time Author: ElvisLocation: south island New Zealand PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:51 am
12 more sleeps
bought a case of steel #3s today all 2 3/4"
half are 1 1/8th oz the other half 1 1/16th oz both doing around 1550 fps
by getting 2 3/4 " we can use them in my old single barrel as well as the pump so if the lighter of the 2 loads doesnt recoil too bad the young fella can try the 12ga as well as his .410 which we made up some more loads for today #4 and some #6-7s in 3"at 3/4 oz
that should get us through most of the season and then some. we also picked up a box of 1/2 oz #9s in case we get out after quail that should give him a better chance of hitting the wee buzz balls. Very Happy

#148: Re: It's almost Time Author: AloysiusLocation: B., Belgium PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:09 am
Elvis, do I understand you are going to use #3 steel in a single shot? Most single shots are full choke and I cannot recommend to use heavy steelshot in a narrow choke.
There is a reason that most screw-in narrower chokes specially approved for steel shot, only have decreased diameter outside the barrel.

On the other hand I do use target rounds of #7 1/2 steel on doves with an Auto-5 (magazin limited till 2 rounds) and it works well on even larger than expected distances.

Question: isn't there a warning on each box of steel cartridges not to use the heavy shot in a full choke?

#149: Re: It's almost Time Author: ElvisLocation: south island New Zealand PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:54 pm
Very Happy my baikal has been extensively Elvisafied. Choke sawn off and heated n beated just enough to give small degree back. Then ported with drill. She dont look too flash but man does she kill well.

#150: Re: It's almost Time Author: AloysiusLocation: B., Belgium PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 11:50 pm
A Baikal, that explains a lot. But you will kill him eventually. I have a friend who has 6 or 7 Baikal doubles, but he still likes his first one with 1 trigger the best (mayby because he's a lefty using a righty rifle Smile )
His first barrel is cylindric, the second somewhat more open (? due to the many shotloads that passed?). Last year we were told it was a complete loss, but a good gunsmith welded most of the part together again and it's still killing doves and crows at distances many would not believe that it's possible with steel shot...

-> Waterfowl Hunting

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