This is so disturbing it must be passed on
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#1: This is so disturbing it must be passed on Author: VinceLocation: Brisbane AUSTRALIA PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 12:56 am
Received this today in an email from a mate in Missouri. Pretty scary stuff starting to happen.

Cheers, Vince

Good morning Dave:

Thanks for the e-mail. As a former Inspector General, I recall being taught that soldiers do have Constitutional Rights and that part of the function of the IG was to provide a means for soldiers to "Petition their government for a redress of grievances" as provided for in the U.S. Constitution. Further, as the "Nuremburg Trials" taught us, after WWII a soldier has a duty to "not obey" an illegal order. This order or "memorandum for record" is somehow connected to the "Idiots" at The Department of Homeland Security, who think all veterans and active duty service members are a threat to the nation's security. Our leaders can pledge their love and support of the armed forces and disabled veterans all they want, but their actions seem to be saying they have an "AGENDA" that's not supportive of those who defend our great nation. My recommendation to all is to write or e-mail your congressman about this issue and include the attached memo. If you can find the address for the Kentucky congressman who represents Fort Campbell, send him one too. Maybe Jim Echols could tell us who to e-mail at MOAA HQ's to get busy on this issue. Dave, thanks again for continuing to protect the nation against all enemies, foreign and "domestic."



I don't care who you voted for this can not be allowed to continue.

Our soldiers now, us next!!

Army guy posted this including pics of forms



I am an 11B currently assigned at Fort Campbell . I live off post, with
my firearms (which I don't bring on post for any reason). A very
frightening thing happened at work yesterday. I was ordered to fill out
a list containing my firearm information. This included make, model,
caliber, and serial number of all firearms I currently posses. In
addition, I was also required to list registration information, location
of all weapons individually, and information regarding any CCW permits I
posses. If you are like me, then the people you work with know you have
firearms. So I had to list at least some. I tried to talk to my 1sg (who
is normally approachable through proper channels) to find out what this
is for, and I was basically told, "I don't give a !&@%, just put your
info on the form."

I don't know how high this goes, but I am hearing that this is going on
in other units at Fort Campbell as well. It just seems a little
coincidental to me that within 90 days: the most anti-firearm President
in history is inaugurated, some of the nastiest anti-firearm laws are
put on the table in Washington , and then the Army comes around wanting
what amounts to a registration on all firearms, even if they are off
post, and doesn't provide any reason or purpose as to why. I fear
something really nasty is blowing in the wind here. I have been in
almost 8 years, and never have any of my units asked for this
information. If any of you out there have any info as to what all this
crap is about please chime in. Otherwise consider
yourself warned. I have already posted this on every other firearm forum I am a member of to get the word out.

Here it is folks. Time to write your congress critters.

#2: Re: This is so disturbing it must be passed on Author: whittlingLocation: Texas (home state is Mass) PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 2:22 am
That's horrible .The best men have to give up all their privacy ?Obama has no concern for the troops .

#3: Re: This is so disturbing it must be passed on Author: DallanCLocation: Utah PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 9:58 am
Just googled more info on this

Military demands details on soldiers' private guns
Fort Campbell command reversed under pressure
Posted: March 21, 2009
12:15 am Eastern

A military commander at Fort Campbell in Kentucky demanded his soldiers give him the registration numbers of any guns they own privately and then reveal where they are stored.

The order was stopped, according to base officials, when it was discovered the commander was not "acting within his authority."

The original order was issued on the letterhead of Charlie Company, 3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment and said effective March 11, any soldier with a "privately owned weapon" was required to submit the information, along with any information about any concealed carry permit the soldier may have, and what state issued the permit.

Good that the order was recinded.


#4: Re: This is so disturbing it must be passed on Author: TRBLSHTRLocation: Lower 48's-left coast(near portlandia) PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 10:32 am
Mad Now-drum that supposed officer/traitor out of the military! Mad

#5: Re: This is so disturbing it must be passed on Author: VinceLocation: Brisbane AUSTRALIA PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 8:13 pm
Thank goodness for that Dallan. I suppose I should do a little more research before passing things such as this on, however, I think it is good to know what is happening out there.

I find it very disturbing that a military Officer has "outed" himself as an obvious ANTI.

Cheers, Vince

#6: Re: This is so disturbing it must be passed on Author: kentucky hareraiserLocation: kentucky PostPosted: Sun May 24, 2009 6:33 am
he needs to be put on the veryyyyy front line as a head point in all dangerous missions,,,, i think.... if that don't do the job i'm sure there is another alternative

#7: Re: This is so disturbing it must be passed on Author: whittlingLocation: Texas (home state is Mass) PostPosted: Sun May 24, 2009 11:32 am
Stick him to pirate hunting duty -alone .

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