#1: goofed 80 cases Author: twofifty, Location: BC RockiesPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 6:27 am ---- I goofed up 80 cases by decapping and priming them before FL sizing, so of course, the necks will not hold a bullet.
I can probably still run these primed cases through the FL die without setting them off, remembering to first remove the decap pin.
If not, then run them into a Lee collet die?
Either way, I can't really see the cartridge's primer area being disturbed by either procedure.
Are there better ways to recover these 80 cases without wasting the primers?
Note to self: make and use a reloading checklist for each batch of brass.
#2: Re: goofed 80 cases Author: Pumpkinslinger, Location: NC foothillsPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:00 am ---- I can't see why you couldn't run them through the sizing die w/o decapping pin like you said. Be careful about the sizing lube though, so you won't contaminate the primers. Maybe use a dry lube like Hornady One Shot and then wipe it off good because you can't tumble the cases clean.
#3: Re: goofed 80 cases Author: Bushmaster, Location: Ava, MissouriPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:15 am ---- Just like Pumpkinslinger says except you can tumble them in a vibrator tumbler. You should inspect the primer flash holes from the inside though I doubt that it would make any difference if there is a bit of media stuck in the flash hole. I have read tests dealing with media plugged flash holes and it was not a problem according to the tests...
#4: Re: goofed 80 cases Author: sagebrushsniper, Location: central wyomingPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:18 am ---- What is wrong with wasteing 80 primers by starting over and not to risk of having a miss fire on a nice animal or in a tight situation. Over the 30 years of reloading I've done many dumb things and always figured out a way to rectofiy the problem. You're talking probably just over a couple of bucks shot compared to some two or four legged griz making you lunch! Remember your glasses and go for if! Try forgeting the primers and loading a fine grain ball powder!
#5: Re: goofed 80 cases Author: Bushmaster, Location: Ava, MissouriPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:24 am ---- That too...
#6: Re: goofed 80 cases Author: DallanC, Location: UtahPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:20 pm ---- I charged an entire block of cases once before I realized I had forgotten the primers. oops!
#7: Re: goofed 80 cases Author: Bushmaster, Location: Ava, MissouriPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:35 pm ---- I think we have done that or at least a portion of it...I didn't forget a whole block of cases, but pretty close....Nothing like picking up the charged and (?primed?) case just to see that the charging block is full of powder and the case is partially full and draining all over the bench as you try to figure out where the powder is coming from....
#8: Re: goofed 80 cases Author: gelandangan, Location: Sydney AustraliaPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 4:30 pm ---- done whole case of ammo before realizing that the charging handle on my Dillon SQD progressive is not moving as it should.
Got 100 finished cases without powder..
#9: Re: goofed 80 cases Author: Morax, Location: Pittsburgh PaPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 4:45 pm ---- this is why i like my single stager.. i can look into every case as i go and i aint gonna lie i have dumped a few out cause they didnt look right and reset everything and re did them..
#10: Re: goofed 80 cases Author: ElyBoy, Location: Forest Lake MinnesotaPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 6:59 pm ---- I think that I would start over and do what the gang says.
Lose the $2.50 worth of primers and start from scratch.
If you don't, every time that you pull the trigger, you will wonder if it will go off.
Good luck,
#11: Re: goofed 80 cases Author: twofifty, Location: BC RockiesPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:22 pm ---- Thanks guys.
I see from your stories that there's no end to the entertainment when it comes to reloading. ;-)
You can use your Lee Collet Neck Sizer with the mandrel removed. I have done it.
Measure the outside diameter of the neck before sizing.
Take the mandrel out, put the case in the shell holder and raise the ram
Thread the Lee Collet in until you feel resistance, mark the die with a magic marker
Now start threading the die in a little at a time until the neck gets sized to the dimension you want. It usually takes only 1/2 turn till the bullet won't go into the case neck anymore
Works like a charm.
#13: Re: goofed 80 cases Author: Vince, Location: Brisbane AUSTRALIAPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:19 pm ---- I think that I have done every single one of these goofs to one extent or another ....with the powder trickling out the empty primer pocket being the most annoying without a doubt.
Seeing as how I have a good percentage of Scottish in me I'd be still using those primers, but they are pretty expensive down here in aussie. I'd definitely try the Lee Collet die.....or if you have a Lee Factory Crimp Die I'd just carry on reloading. Once you have crimped the bullet then I can't see that there would be a major problem....although your group size may open up a little.
Cheers, Vince
Last edited by Vince on Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
#14: Re: goofed 80 cases Author: ElyBoy, Location: Forest Lake MinnesotaPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:44 am ---- I wrote the book on "DUMB" twofifty, so don't feel too bad about one mess up.