Problematic Deer
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-> Big Game Hunting

#16: Re: Problematic Deer Author: PumpkinslingerLocation: NC foothills PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 5:04 pm
Some time back Gettysburg National Battlefield was overrun by deer so the park said they'd bring in sharpshooters to thin the herd. The "animal rights" people went nuts so the park didn't do it. I'm told that sometime later the park came back without telling anyone and used the sharpshooters successfully.

I see deer almost nightly on the way to work, usually in someone's front yard. I only have one question... Where do they hide during deer season?!?!?

#17: Re: Problematic Deer Author: hunterjoe21Location: Miles City, Montana PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 5:46 pm
I may have mis-spoken, the city planned to spend $300,000.00 to eliminate 600 deer. That equals $500 each. This is from the first article I found, dated 2005. I'm sure the costs to the city have increased since then...

#18: Re: Problematic Deer Author: Dimitri PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 5:47 pm
Still Joe thats some good money to go hunting deer!


#19: Re: Problematic Deer Author: 1895ssLocation: Not Here...!! PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 5:51 pm
Hunters would have paid $18,000.00 ($30.00 per tag x 600) to hunt them. That's a difference of $318,000.00. What a waste of tax payers dollars.

#20: Re: Problematic Deer Author: Dimitri PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 5:55 pm
1895ss wrote:
Hunters would have paid $18,000.00 ($30.00 per tag x 600) to hunt them. That's a difference of $318,000.00. What a waste of tax payers dollars.

I must admit its odd but just to be able to say "I went hunting in the middle of the city in someones back yard" I'd pay 150$ for the tag easily! Shocked

Then again I couldn't see myself paying that much for the tag more then once.

But come to think of it then again may be a good tourist destination for hunters who want to "try something different". Cool


#21: Re: Problematic Deer Author: hunterjoe21Location: Miles City, Montana PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:48 pm
Check this one out:

This is the worst example of twisting "facts" to suit the author's needs I've ever seen....

#22: Re: Problematic Deer Author: Dimitri PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:53 pm
That website is so wrong atleast when compared to Ontario that its not funny!


#23: Re: Problematic Deer Author: hunterjoe21Location: Miles City, Montana PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:02 pm
And I found a new one:

A quote from the site:

"It's a terrible example we're setting for future generations," she said. "We're the problem. There's too many of us. We have to set an example for our children."


Please jump in front of the next school bus that transports your mini-fth's to school. That will reduce the number of "US" that you refer to by "you" multiplied by any future FTH's you may spawn. I'll consider that a fair trade.

Thank You.

#24: Re: Problematic Deer Author: hunterjoe21Location: Miles City, Montana PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:26 pm
Dimitri wrote:
1895ss wrote:
Hunters would have paid $18,000.00 ($30.00 per tag x 600) to hunt them. That's a difference of $318,000.00. What a waste of tax payers dollars.

I must admit its odd but just to be able to say "I went hunting in the middle of the city in someones back yard" I'd pay 150$ for the tag easily! Shocked

Then again I couldn't see myself paying that much for the tag more then once.

But come to think of it then again may be a good tourist destination for hunters who want to "try something different". Cool



Please remember that while this is NOT downtown Cleveland, but a suburb, I doubt that "Solon, Ohio" will show up on the hot list of hunts this fall....

#25: Re: Problematic Deer Author: Dimitri PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 4:37 pm
Yah I figured it wasn't down town Cleveland. Smile

Wouldn't know where to get a good camo suit for the down town. Laughing


#26: Re: Problematic Deer Author: BushmasterLocation: Ava, Missouri PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 4:45 pm
Big D...Paint yourself brick red and gray. Throw garbage and paper all over yourself before the paint dries. Then hide in an alley. City camo... ROFL

#27: Re: Problematic Deer Author: Dimitri PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 5:05 pm

No thanks! Laughing


#28: Re: Problematic Deer Author: OntheLasGallinasLocation: South Texas PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:44 pm
Heck I'd eliminate those deer for a mere $200,000. That would save the tax payers a bundle. And, I'd trap and relocate a large quantity of those "animal rights" people, pro gratis.

I know a few smaller high-fence hunting operations that would pay good money for those (animal-rights people). $0.50 each, no bag limit.


#29: Re: Problematic Deer Author: dieselLocation: Watsontown Pa. PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 11:48 pm
sure wish they could be traped by the hundreds and shipped here to Pa. our deer herd really seams to be shrinking. have'nt seen a deer in the woods in season in the last 2 years. 20 years ago, herds of 20 and 30 could be seen in season almost daily.

-> Big Game Hunting

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