6.5 Grendel anyone?
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#16: Re: 6.5 Grendel anyone? Author: slimjimLocation: Fort Worth TX PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 6:31 am
Pumpkinslinger wrote:
I'll start off with some 123 grain Hornady SSTs and see how it goes.

The SST is a fragmentation bullet, lethal but not something I like to hunt meat with. Suggest trying the new CavityBackBullets. They out expand any bullet I have tested. Their 3 pedals create a Tri-Star wound the promotes bleeding like I've not experienced with other bullets.


I've shot two elk with the 105 MKZ in my 6.8 out to 200 yards and they went down as fast as any elk I've shot with my .270.

Hope your Grendel works out well for you. I'm sure it will be very accurate.

#17: Re: 6.5 Grendel anyone? Author: ElvisLocation: south island New Zealand PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:59 am
slimjim wrote:
Pumpkinslinger wrote:
The Grendel was designed as a military cartridge ...

Pkslinger, this is what the Grendel promoters say while they trash everything else. Why would a cartridge designed for the military have such a low SAAMI chamber pressure.

Pumpkinslinger wrote:
From what I'm reading it works well on deer at any distance I'm likely to shoot and on varmints WAY out there.

More advertising. Would you say the same of the .243? The Grendel is short of .243 performance. Right now, anything with 6.5 in front of it is a hot item with the popularity of the Creedmoor.

well said Slim

#18: Re: 6.5 Grendel anyone? Author: slimjimLocation: Fort Worth TX PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 8:33 am
slimjim wrote:
I've shot two elk with the 105 MKZ in my 6.8 out to 200 yards and they went down as fast as any elk I've shot with my .270.

Just so one doesn't think the 6.8mm is a short range rifle, other 6.8mm hunters using the MKZs have shot deer DRT at 300 yards with 12" barrels and elk to 400 yards with 20" barrels. Pkslinger, I do hope you give these bullets a try.

#19: Re: 6.5 Grendel anyone? Author: slimjimLocation: Fort Worth TX PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:34 am
Picked up another insightful tidbit. Half of all the 6.8mm barrels AR-15 Performance sells got to Texas. Texas is where hog populations are the thickest and out of control.

#20: Re: 6.5 Grendel anyone? Author: gemihurLocation: Ridgelines of the Blue Ridge Mtns PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 1:07 pm
I've got a 23" 6.8 SPC barrel for my contender.
It squeezes all there is from the little cartridge with 100 gr. bullets. Nice
I've got a 17" barrel in 6.5 Grendel for the contender. I prefer it over the 6.8.
Maybe it's because I shoot it more but I hit what I aim for with the 6.5.
Built an AR to use 6.5 Grendel and 5.56.

#21: Re: 6.5 Grendel anyone? Author: PumpkinslingerLocation: NC foothills PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 2:51 pm
Nice rifle gem! What trigger did you use?

Here I am, a year later, and my parts are still in a box... However, retirement may be on the horizon toward the end of the year so I'll need something to do then.

#22: Re: 6.5 Grendel anyone? Author: gemihurLocation: Ridgelines of the Blue Ridge Mtns PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 6:54 am
.264 LBC
6.5 Grendel
that's exactly what they intended
just keep on shootin' what you got

#23: Re: 6.5 Grendel anyone? Author: PumpkinslingerLocation: NC foothills PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 4:13 pm
Sorry for the poor photo but yes, I really did build a 6.5 Grendel finally! I've got to work on the fit of the handguard some. That scope may be a bit much too (3 to 15x) but it'll do to start. I'll get some better photos later.

#24: Re: 6.5 Grendel anyone? Author: slimjimLocation: Fort Worth TX PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 4:34 am
Pkslinger, glad you finally got it done and you can enjoy some recoil therapy! Looks beautiful! The scope looks fine. You should see the Viper PS-2 5-25 on my Valkyrie.

#25: Re: 6.5 Grendel anyone? Author: gemihurLocation: Ridgelines of the Blue Ridge Mtns PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:52 am
The Grendel is just impressive to me.
An all-around good shooter and handy for the hunt.
I predominately utilize it on my contender.
I load heavy for bore bullets (140 gr) and have it sighted in for 1oo yds.

#26: Re: 6.5 Grendel anyone? Author: gemihurLocation: Ridgelines of the Blue Ridge Mtns PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 5:31 pm
My AR is just assembled with standard parts kit in an Anderson lower and a Spinta barrrel.
But I love that scope on yours. heck at 15X you can see your hole in the target!
I'm really a single-shot guy
444 Marlin on my contender

Hang on, man!

#27: Re: 6.5 Grendel anyone? Author: PumpkinslingerLocation: NC foothills PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 10:06 am
I did finally get the Grendel to the range! Fired one shot and it locked up tight... I had to tap the charging handle with a rubber mallet to get the spent case out. I'm really disappointed and not sure what's wrong. Next stop is probably the gun smith, to see what I've done wrong.

#28: Re: 6.5 Grendel anyone? Author: slimjimLocation: Fort Worth TX PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 10:19 am
Pkslinger, did you handload your ammo? I thought there were two different chambers for the 6.5 Grendel. Ammo manufactured for one chamber could be overpressure in the other. There may also be 2 different bolts. Sorry that I don't know the details like I do for the 6.8mm SPC and SPC II

#29: Re: 6.5 Grendel anyone? Author: PumpkinslingerLocation: NC foothills PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 9:44 pm
Hornady factory ammo. I've got a Lyman bore scope/camera that I'll take a look with.

#30: Re: 6.5 Grendel anyone? Author: gemihurLocation: Ridgelines of the Blue Ridge Mtns PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:52 pm
sounds like gas situation on your lockup
I had to get my barrel's gas port bored out a good bit to return enough to BCG to cycle fully. Different buffers are also required for different barrel lengths.
Let us know of the remedy of your lockup. May come in as a valuable reference.
I told you I was nutty for contenders, here's a 'special needs' barrel that needed a wrap

6x45 or 6x223

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