Well its like this. Call me crazy but its absolutely true: Too many forums initially kill a site.
If you have few forums (initially) when people visit there is usually always something new to read or reply too... and that in and of itself makes things appear busier, thereby attracting more posters as they see more traffic etc etc.
I want to end up with alot of forums, and I think we'll get there but I want to try holding off on making too many initially until we get enough traffic to justify creating new ones. That said if we are absolutely missing something critical (ie: BunnyWabbit hunting) I'll create it in a flash.
Posts like this are great as I want to hear what you guys want, I always welcome suggestions because well... I forget stuff too
For now handguns can fall under the general firearms section... if we start getting more handgun talk than firearm talk there we spin off a Handgun forum and move over the related posts :). As for varmints... I dont have a problem with it being in either small game or general... although I'm strongly thinking about merging "General Hunting" and "General" and just calling it "Coffe Shop". So if that were true now, Varmint talk would be better suited to Small Game.
I dont concider the site ready for a "Grand Re-Opening" quite yet so things are sortof in a flux as I complete installing of software (for example: a cool new recipe program is now installed, just configuring it & adding in wildgame catagories and icons atm) and will enable it for everyone to dig into very soon... like tomorrow or sunday).
I have about 20 minor to major "TODO's" left before I'll be satisfied and can take a breather. So bottom line, Suggest away if you see something or have a question... ignore the dust and smoke and hopefully in a couple weeks things will be mostly completed.
PS: did I mention an online version of PointBlank?