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U.S going back to the .45 ACP?
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 7:27 pm    Post subject: Re: U.S going back to the .45 ACP? Reply with quote

That's not fair...It's 1830 here and some of us have to go to work in the morning (alarm at 0530). Although I don't go to bed until 2300. And I DON'T take naps yet. But the wifey-poo insists that I give up the computer at oround 2000 (dinner time). No kids (raised 5. 4 boys, 1 girl...She caused all my grey hair) so I can eat when I feel like it. And all you do is sit around all day...Not fair... Sleep Poke Fighting

I have one nerve left and yer standin' on it...

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 7:41 pm    Post subject: Re: U.S going back to the .45 ACP? Reply with quote

Not fair....i didn't make you cry did i? Crying or Very sad And i do understand you are in nap should really get some rest Sleep because there is no spring chicken where your at! Fart Laughing

And rest assured, my youngest daughter is going to be the 2am call and the cause of me going grey! Very Happy

Why no......I'm really not an outdoorsmsn at all. But i did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night!
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 7:42 pm    Post subject: Re: U.S going back to the .45 ACP? Reply with quote

SHOOTER458 wrote:
Those who demand hi-cap mags are mostly thowe who need them! If you cant do it in 7 rounds...use your M14!

I'm all for the "If you cant do it in 7 rounds...use your M14" comment, however, why limit yourself when you have the ability?

Why no......I'm really not an outdoorsmsn at all. But i did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night!
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 7:49 pm    Post subject: Re: U.S going back to the .45 ACP? Reply with quote

The idea and/or string subject here, 10ring, was a better and more reliable handgun (backup) for our military. The need for a large capacity magazine isn't necessary if the handgun is to be used in close combat or as a backup...But it must be dependable and most double action autos do have too many moving parts and too tight of a fit. A little dirt and you are down to your knife...Myself, I don't want the enemy that close to me...

I have one nerve left and yer standin' on it...

DEMOCRACY Two wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for lunch...
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 7:57 pm    Post subject: Re: U.S going back to the .45 ACP? Reply with quote

True, but even for CQB, and for a BUG, i still rather have the extra rounds in a quality weapon regardless what it is. Because yeah to each his/her own, but while you are able and trained to do a tactical reload, in the event you needed to, wouldn't you rather do it one less time?

Why no......I'm really not an outdoorsmsn at all. But i did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night!
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 8:09 pm    Post subject: Re: U.S going back to the .45 ACP? Reply with quote

I hate jams and stove pipes...Don't you??

I have one nerve left and yer standin' on it...

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:00 pm    Post subject: Re: U.S going back to the .45 ACP? Reply with quote

Wow, jams and stove pipes....what'cha cookin? Very Happy

Why no......I'm really not an outdoorsmsn at all. But i did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night!
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:01 pm    Post subject: Re: U.S going back to the .45 ACP? Reply with quote

"Wonder Nines" Poke 2000...Dinner time Very Happy

I have one nerve left and yer standin' on it...

DEMOCRACY Two wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for lunch...
LIBERTY A well armed sheep contesting the outcome of the vote...
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:07 pm    Post subject: Re: U.S going back to the .45 ACP? Reply with quote

Shoe size??? And good cuz i haungree! Very Happy

Why no......I'm really not an outdoorsmsn at all. But i did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night!
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:11 pm    Post subject: Re: U.S going back to the .45 ACP? Reply with quote

Cool As was originally stated, the Military did not totally give up on the .45. Granted, its use was first limited to SF applications but for the information of others, the USCG did go to the 9mm at first and then went back to the .45 for designated Boarding Party Members. For general service up to this point the 1911 has done the job very well but most remaining in service have seen a lot of abuse and need to be replaced. This will be a hard decision to make as there are a lot of well made and reliable pistols available. I personally would like to see them adopt one that had the fewest parts, ease in field stripping/cleaning, universal size to fit 90% of the individuals that train on it and also made in the USA and last it would ned to be accurate (2.5" at 25 yards). When I left my assignment as an Armory Officer & Small Arms Instructor in the service the .45s that were available were lucky to be able to hold 3.5" at 25 and were more toward 5 - 6" at 25. New 1911s easily reach this accuracy level but most are so tight that a little san & dirt will put them out of commission, in the present environment over in the sand box the sand is like talc, it will put them out of commission in a heart beat. The one pistol that has been working out very well is the Glock, it is being used by many of the "Civilian Security Contractors" in the area. With the Glock Factory built in GA it would become a "Built in the USA Firearm. " I have 3 Glocks at this point and believe that it may just be the best choice for a new service pistol. Cool
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:44 pm    Post subject: Re: U.S going back to the .45 ACP? Reply with quote

Flint54: I guess that was what i was getting at in knowing the tollerences to a nicely tuned 1911 and their ability and to a Glock and their ability. I carry a Glock (or 2) daily (or a Glock and a 340PD), and when i needed it, it was ready and i've never had one problem with any of them. Also, i service Glocks (make them into race guns usually) for a friend, and know because of reliability, moving parts, and ease of service to an armorer, they would be a great choice as well.

And with this, it's on the same subject sort of.....but i thought i'd share it with you anyway. Cool
On a different forum, all they talked about was the "enhanced" S&W Sigma (and how oh so great they are) when thoughts were first being kicked around of the Gov. looking into a new weapon, and that the "enhanced" Sigma would/should be the weapon of choice OVER a Glock!? wtf Yeah, they are full of it!
Then when i gave an opinion and talked highly about Glock, and well....i no longer am a member because i retracted my name when i was shot down and was referred as a blowhard and that know nothing about S&W or Glock in a PM. Which was very child like yes, but this happened often with guys that bought a book and became a know it all over night. Confused

Why no......I'm really not an outdoorsmsn at all. But i did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night!
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 11:11 pm    Post subject: Re: U.S going back to the .45 ACP? Reply with quote

Cool I had a S&W Sigma for a total of 3 weeks, it was the worst handgun that I ever had. I can't remember being able to run 1 full magazine through it without some form of stopage. And YES I was using factory S&W magazines!! Maybe I am fortunate but I have never had any failure with a Glock of any kind. I have a 17, 22 & 23. I will soon have a 20. I only wish that I could get my hands on one of the .380s that BATFE will not let into the country being that they are Too Small? I really hope that the plant in GA will start making them for sale in the US that way there will be no import restrictions due to size.

Argue As far as some individuals, they only read what they see on some of the Web Sites that is written by suposed experts, most of them have no idea what the truth is and if they saw it even from the factory they wouldn't believe it!! Argue Mad
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 8:43 am    Post subject: Re: U.S going back to the .45 ACP? Reply with quote

Cheers On the soon G20! Very Happy

And i know what you mean about the G25 or G28 because those are the only Glocks i haven't shot. Sad

Why no......I'm really not an outdoorsmsn at all. But i did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night!
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 6:43 pm    Post subject: Re: U.S going back to the .45 ACP? Reply with quote

And 10ring, You are a blowheart...And I also don't like glocks...You want me to leave this forum??? Not a chance. Made in America (profits go out of country) Nope!!! Keep your plastic toy gun... Poke
I own a Colt .45 ACP series 80 combat tuned...And by one of the best gunsmiths on the west coast. I doubt that you have ever heard of him though...Ken Genecco of Stockton, ca. Fencing Cheers

I have one nerve left and yer standin' on it...

DEMOCRACY Two wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for lunch...
LIBERTY A well armed sheep contesting the outcome of the vote...
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:40 pm    Post subject: Re: U.S going back to the .45 ACP? Reply with quote

Ahhhh Bushmaster.....Isn't past your bed time? NoNo
When come out of Glock denial and get in groove with the fantastic plastic, you will want to leave in fear of ridicule. Point Poke Btw, Glocks starting (more) production in the USA, Smyrna Ga. Very Happy

And having a Colt "combat tuned" is the only way you can shoot -5" @ 10 yards i thought? ROFL

Lastly, if it's the same Ken from about 8 years ago when i used to live in Ca. myself, i just may have heard of him.


Why no......I'm really not an outdoorsmsn at all. But i did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night!
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