Dimitri wrote: |
Same prices once you do the AUD to USD conversion.
Never could get into shotguns and skeet myself. Even ended up giving my O/U shotgun to a buddy who's shooting skeet regularly now. |
SKEET doesn’t do much at all for me. What I enjoy shooting is 5 Stand Sporting and Sporting Clays. Both emulate real life hunting scenarios (quail, ducks etc). More often than not you don’t know exactly how the Clay will arrive in your shooting arcs, and these disciplines are shot from the “gun down” position. On seeing the target, you mount the gun, decide on the trajectory then destroy the target…maybe.
A good Sporting layout will have clays coming from any direction, left, right, going away, incoming, overhead from behind, from a high tower, from behind trees over water, from behind and over the top of (and disappearing behind) trees and a second target on “report”, usually from a different direction, springing Teals thrown straight up about 15-20 metres, and “rabbits” (fired from a trap and rolling along the ground very quickly…with natural “lumps and bumps” in the ground causing them to “jump”. Another difficult target I’ve seen was a bateau Clay rolling off a 30m high platform and simply dropping…very difficult to hit. A fun target was “The Rat”. A target was released (no spring pressure) and it rolled down inside an angled poly pipe, about 2m high at one end, for about 3 or 4 metres. You shot it as it left the end of the pipe. Another very difficult target was 3 individual targets fired from rear left on calling, down a gully, with the trap wound right up for max speed. You had only a few seconds of time before the target disappeared into the bush or gully.
I don’t like Trap, or as we call it, Down The Line (DTL)…it’s boring, although Trench (the Olympic Course of Fire) is OK, but you need to be really on your game.