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Reloading on Facebook?
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:10 am    Post subject: Reloading on Facebook? Reply with quote

I gotta vent a little here.

There's a Facebook page I visit that is about reloading, etc. There are some knowledgeable folks on there but some of the others... A lot of people just getting into reloading are on there too. I've noticed a trend. Young people don't read manuals. They also don't know how to look things up. In addition they can't ask coherent questions. And they want instant answers, that verify their preconceptions.

So many times I see a question that EVERY reloading manual answers. Basic set-up stuff, what the die is for, when to trim, and so on. On top of that are the "how much XYZ power do I use for a 123 bullet?" questions. No info on gun, cartridge or anything. And people will ANSWER, with no idea what the OP is talking about! Sometimes trying to clarify the question is like pulling teeth.

Yesterday I posted on there, "OK, so what is the best load for my gun?" Some people recognized that I was being a facetious smart ass. Others tried to help. Some gave equally smart ass answers. A few gave answers that could potentially get someone hurt! One guy apparently got mad and quite the group. (That old Southern saying, "when you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one you hit yelps"?)

I came back after a bit and explained that I was just trying to make the point that people were willing to help but we needed DETAILS in order to do so. Several folks understood and agreed.

I understand and appreciate folks asking questions, and I'm happy to help them. I worry about people who want to start a potentially dangerous hobby but don't even have enough intelligence and discipline to read the basic instructions. More than once I've been tempted to tell someone that they might want to consider a different pastime but, so far, I haven't. I guess I'll just continue to try to help those I can.

So, my take-aways from this?

1 - NEVER shoot someone else's handloads, because there are some real idiots out there.

2 - I really like this group here, both for your knowledge and attitude.

3 - I really am turning into a cranky old bastard.


"I ain't no better than anybody else, and there ain't nobody better than me!" Ma Kettle
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:20 am    Post subject: Re: Reloading on Facebook? Reply with quote

I spend time on THR (The High Road). I got tired of trying to explain the same questions over and over again. I didn't quit the THR. I just stopped trying to help the helpless.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 12:33 pm    Post subject: Re: Reloading on Facebook? Reply with quote

#3 - I really am turning into a cranky old bastard.

Very Happy Welcome to the club Very Happy Think , I'm one of those ,

I shake my head and don't go back after seeing some of the idiots out there . You're right on not shooting other peoples reloads , Mike, Talking to one of my friends down the road , his son-in-law (w/newer model)reloaded some 357-mags for him (w/older model)a while back . The reloads broke the older model top strap on the S&W. Scratch

Stay safe load your own Cheers Know that everything you read on-line isn't true. Cheers

"march to the sound of the guns and shoot everyone not dressed like you"--D I 1968

When the SHTF I'm gonna hunker down until all those idiots kill each other. up-date

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Last edited by pete4d on Mon Nov 16, 2020 3:57 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 3:27 pm    Post subject: Re: Reloading on Facebook? Reply with quote

I agree with you Mike.
There is no one more dangerous than a newbie.

In Knifemaking facebook groups I no longer give advises due to the amount of idiocy I saw.
Perhaps I lack tact and bluntly tell them that they are wrong, however there is so much stupidity that often I wish the Darwin law would work and thin them out.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 4:00 pm    Post subject: Re: Reloading on Facebook? Reply with quote

Well, at least it's not just me! Wink


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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 4:05 pm    Post subject: Re: Reloading on Facebook? Reply with quote

Hell Mike...I don't even shoot my best friend's loads. And we shoot together at least once a week.

I have one nerve left and yer standin' on it...

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:47 pm    Post subject: Re: Reloading on Facebook? Reply with quote

Reloads from a known good reloader, derived from various reloading manuals and correctly assembled are probably fine to shoot.
In his gun, the one he used to work up the load.
In your gun of the same caliber, possibly not.
Why risk it.
The western world is now well into the 4th generation of ohs, its sole purpose is to allow the stupid to breed and propagate bs like 5g causes chinese flu. There is little hope for the species, at least the anti vaxxers wont get vaccinated, that might thin them out a bit.


Dont do anything you wont like explaining to the paramedics..............
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:03 pm    Post subject: Re: Reloading on Facebook? Reply with quote

Hummm...Anti vaxxers. I've been called a lot of things, but anti vaxxer??

Hell...I don't even get the flu shot. The last flu shot I got was way back in 1965 and I got sick TWICE. Let's see how you like it to get the flu twice on a rockin' rollin' destroyer escort.

Every body get a covid-19 shot and I won't have to.

I have one nerve left and yer standin' on it...

DEMOCRACY Two wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for lunch...
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 11:24 pm    Post subject: Re: Reloading on Facebook? Reply with quote

the one that gets to me/pisses me off ....
want to shoot chammy,thar and deer
0-700 yards what LOAD should I use...singular....
my mighty old poohseventy likes it good stalking buddies ruger likes load 2grns below book max...I can use his loads...he sure as shit cant use mine....well not twice anyway....
the current trend is to cut barrels back short,fit suppressor then try to load it back up to previous velocity....with 4-6" less barrel....

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 12:23 am    Post subject: Re: Reloading on Facebook? Reply with quote

Oh heck. I cut 12 inches of my best shooting 308 and worked up a load that made more velocity that anything I fired from that gun before. I started with a Remington 308 case, put in a large rifle magnum primer. Then I drizzled in two measures of FFF black powder and crammed in 40 measures of H870 compressed as far as it took to get that 165 grain bullet seated.
The cartridge was a bit too long to fit in the magazine so I single loaded the rounds. It took a bit of persuasion to close the bolt but I figured that would put the bullet in line with the barrel and start the bullet into the lands. That should keep the pressures lower. I then put the cross hairs in the center of that "X" and pulled gently on the trigger. When I came around the chronograph had measured over 3500 fps! That was faster than my heavy loads with the 26 inch barrel! Then I noticed that I had flash burns on the back of my hands, my arms which had been covered in long sleeves before the shot and my face was stinging a bit.
The gun looked fine so I persuaded the bolt handle up and back and loaded in round #2. I put my scope on the "x" and noticed a bullet hole just right about a quarter of an inch. I thought about adjusting the scope but figured I'd put a five shot group on the target first. I touched the trigger and when I came to I was in the hospital. A buddy brought me a picture of what was left of my gun and a picture of the target where the front half of the barrel went through it. It went through the same hole! I knew I just needed to drop the charge a bit and I would have a great gun. I went to pick up the phone on the bedside table and that's when I noticed that I was missing a hand I looked over at my other hand and it was wrapped in bandages but I could tell there were fingers in there. I thought back on that load and how accurate it was and decided I would learn to shoot left-handed. I couldn't wait to get out of the hospital so I could replace my 308 with a nicer one. Since the cut down barrel couldn't handle the load I figured a 26 inch barrel would be better and I ought to get even more velocity with a longer barrel.

I hope nobody actually tries a load like that but if they do then they are dumber than a lodge pole and more stupid than a post turtle.
I should note that I shot next to a guy that did this sort of thing but with a Ruger Black Hawk in 44 mag. He destroyed that gun at a later date and sent it back to Ruger. They sent him a new gun which he sold because the gun was too weak. I never shot with him after that first time and I wasn't around to see him blow up the Ruger. I heard he got a Colt 1911. I haven't heard from him. I doubt that he ever learned his lesson but maybe he did.

Speer, Lyman, Hodgdon, Sierra, and Hornady = reliable loading data
So and So's pages on the internet = NOT reliable loading data
Always check data against manuals
NEVER exceed maximum listed loads
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 9:52 am    Post subject: Re: Reloading on Facebook? Reply with quote

New low. Some kid told me that physics was not important to ballistics... I just left that page permanently. You know, I really appreciate you folks here!


"I ain't no better than anybody else, and there ain't nobody better than me!" Ma Kettle
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 4:59 pm    Post subject: Re: Reloading on Facebook? Reply with quote

I might know the page on Facebook you are talking about Punkin...I've seen some very starange questions on there too mate.

Cheers, Vince Cheers

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 9:33 pm    Post subject: Re: Reloading on Facebook? Reply with quote

Vince, that particular page was for the .350 Legend. There are a couple other reloading related pages I visit in there. An awful lot of questions that could be answered by reading a manual.


"I ain't no better than anybody else, and there ain't nobody better than me!" Ma Kettle
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 9:51 pm    Post subject: Re: Reloading on Facebook? Reply with quote

ya hafta know how to read first.

I have one nerve left and yer standin' on it...

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:21 pm    Post subject: Re: Reloading on Facebook? Reply with quote

I predict that we will be seeing a LOT of stories about exploding guns, etc. in the near future. Luckily primers are in short supply so maybe some of these idio..., errr, folks won't be able to load for themselves.


"I ain't no better than anybody else, and there ain't nobody better than me!" Ma Kettle
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