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Second Amendment
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 4:24 am    Post subject: Second Amendment Reply with quote

It appears Trump has released his position on the Second Amendment...

Trump Releases His Plan for 2nd Amendment… Leaves Millions Furious

Cheers, Vince Cheers

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 6:13 am    Post subject: Re: Second Amendment Reply with quote


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 7:51 am    Post subject: Re: Second Amendment Reply with quote

Well...this just showed up yesterday.... don't know how many people were aware of this but Obama announced that he's going to use any means possible (meaning, executive action) to tighten gun controls. He's going to research this with his attorney general on Monday. I'm sure it won't amount to much. He's done this before and I think it's an attempt to look like he's doing something, without actually doing something. The rhetoric he uses makes it sound like there are no laws on the books and anyone can purchase machine guns or whatever they want willie-nillie.

Don't know why legal purchasers of firearms have so many complicated unenforced laws to abide by because the criminals don't acquire guns legally (on the whole) but I think he just wants to appease his political position and tell everyone the gun lobbyists are tying his hands and the Republicans are hillbilly lunatics and so on. Let's see how far this goes. There'll be a lot of press and bluster but I bet it doesn't amount to much. He is pretty freekin heroic ya know. (He thinks he is)


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 9:57 am    Post subject: Re: Second Amendment Reply with quote

He's going to redefine what a "seller" is. Probably make it something like if you sell more than 2 guns a year you need a license.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 10:25 am    Post subject: Re: Second Amendment Reply with quote

He has put a new meaning in stupidity !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 9:24 pm    Post subject: Re: Second Amendment Reply with quote

well maybe old Trump isnt so dumb after all.....

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:21 pm    Post subject: Re: Second Amendment Reply with quote

I think you're right DallanC, he's apparently going to go after private gun sales accordingly related to volume. Ya that'll keep the criminals at bay......sheesh! They just don't want to use common sense I guess. It reminds me of the pot laws here. You can grow your own (up to a certain amount) but you can't sell it, you can gift it, but you can't sell it. How is that going to be enforced? Marijuana sales have been in the shadows forever and old habits aren't going to magically go away. If I sell a gun to a private party without a background check, who's gonna know, except me and the private party? Or should we rat on one another for violating the law? What if I sell my entire collection to a gun dealer, do I need a license? This is so bureaucratic, and so not dealing with innocents getting murdered. What do they want license fees? More ways to feed off of us?


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 2:48 am    Post subject: Re: Second Amendment Reply with quote

Its called embuggerence.
Make life hard for the law abiding, does sfa to stop crime, but it starts the thin edge of the wedge for the anti gun brigade to bring in more useless laws, also called the nibbled to death by ducks approach, which describes Australian gun laws perfectly.
Im not convinced on trump yet, but he makes a valid point, enforce the laws you've already got. I also like his concealed carry ideas.
After all murder IS against the law already.


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 7:54 am    Post subject: Re: Second Amendment Reply with quote

Ya exactly, and what is he doin about the criminals? other than tell them there's going to be a lot more un-armed people to shoot at. You know Trump is a bit of a drama-queen, zealot but he at least says all the things needed to get the country thinkin again. Every night on national news he's mentioned, whether they agree with him or not, he's in the news and stirring the pot. He's messing with both sides of the aisle and hangin tough to the issues. He may say a few regrettable things and hurt some politically-correct, language-laws but it's actually bringing us back to a time when tough things were said to get the point across and get things done. It's changing the way cell phone jockies and pierced body parts circus freaks think about the issues (if they think at all about politics and government). You have to get in their realm and in their faces, point blank. The more he's in the news the better, whether it's good or bad, he's making speculation a new pastime and that's what we have to do think or swim! (I should say that more often)


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 9:56 pm    Post subject: Re: Second Amendment Reply with quote

this thread got me thinking about politicians in general and why we all hate them so much...its simple really it comes down to trust and they lie,its now someones job...well a whole group of people really, to tell politicians how to lie and what to say....dont believe me???heres a classic example
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"

do you honestly think Bill woke up that morning and consciously decided that was the statement he was going to issue????B.S. HE WAS TOLD TO SAY THAT
I mean really at the end of the day who would have given a shit if he had come out and spoke the truth???Hillary? yeah nah think not..bit embarrassed she not doing it for hubby anymore but she would have stuck by him....
Monica???? who cares/cared what she thought she was a bit on the side who knew what she was doing and chose to do it/him anyway
the cuban cigar maker???? probably upped his sales for the year
IF Bill had had the intestinal fortitude to be honest he may well have stayed in office instead of the Scratch Scratch apricot..nah thats not it????tangarine??? nah Scratch not that word either

peach Very Happy yeah the peach thingy happened cause he told big fat porkie and got caught out
not caught with pants down or cigar up
lying plain and simple

we here in NZ have a pollie called Winston who in a pain in the arse to all the others as he ONLY tells what he knows he can proove is true...caused a cafufale or three but it works,people respect honesty so if Trump can be honest...and stay honest...first step will be to line up the spin doctors and practice his favorite line "YOUR FIRED" He may well be the breath of fresh air you need to get thing heading in right direction.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 10:59 pm    Post subject: Re: Second Amendment Reply with quote

Well that sort of is what he's doing along with Ben Carson and a couple other Republicans that were not previously politicians. Although they don't necessarily get along with the actual politicians, but that's because the actual politicians want to remain thieves and practitioners of spin for their influential cronies. The politicians are working for somebody and it's not We The People.

got a cigar
stuck in my
peach thingy

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:40 pm    Post subject: Re: Second Amendment Reply with quote

The Govt is run by the spin Drs and the bureaucrats these days...the elected goons are nothing more than mouthpieces.

Cheers, Vince Cheers

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 4:25 pm    Post subject: Re: Second Amendment Reply with quote

Every time there is gun violence it proves two things. Violent people will use whatever tool available to them and that the police can, in no way, protect individuals against crime.
This leaves us to protect ourselves and our loved ones against violence. We need the guns to protect ourselves from violence. Quit restricting our ability to get, own, keep, and carry firearms and start prosecuting those committing violent crimes.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 10:59 pm    Post subject: Re: Second Amendment Reply with quote

just watched ODrama on news...nearly put me off my steak, yip death by a thousand cuts
you COULD look at what has been done...or said to have been done
#1 look at big deal there,no different to asking for I.D when buying booze or tobacco.if age is the issue they targeting
#2 background checks....well if a person has history of mental issues or is card carrying ISIS member or has 3 convictions for armed robbery or rape or beating up wife n kids or repeat drunk driving well then why the hell would you want them to be armed????
if a person has shown they have no respect for other peoples lives........
and yes I hear the shouting that its a constitutional right but I bet your left ball the guys that wrote that right into law didnt ever think the mentally insane would be running around in the general public....we USED to keep them locked up for safety/good of all
and a criminal will get guns any way they can...making it harder to buy them over the counter doesnt stop them so what???? if they found in possesion of them well maybe your law enforcement guys can lock them up.....another string to the bow sort of thing.

just looking at it from SLIGHTLY less slanted angle.
I cant own a military style semiautomatic or hand gun without jumping through hoops
neither of those thing are a bother..sure a handgun might be nice..but not something I feel need of.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:43 am    Post subject: Re: Second Amendment Reply with quote

No accomplishment or anything new to add, just enforce current laws. Far as I know it's nothing new and won't effect the criminal elements.


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