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The Dying WSSMs and others doomed for extinction
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:03 pm    Post subject: Re: The Dying WSSMs and others doomed for extinction Reply with quote

slimjim wrote:
BTW, the 300 WSSM does exist.

What steps are needed to make brass and are dies readily avalible or are they a custom order ???

Ask as many people needed, sooner or later your question will be answered the way you want it answered !!!

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:11 pm    Post subject: Re: The Dying WSSMs and others doomed for extinction Reply with quote

The WSM series starts at 270 and goes up using the 300 WSM as the case that is effectively just necked up or down.

The WSSM name from Winchester is for their short magnums that are smaller then 270. Its also made of a 300 WSM case, but they are cut back by .490" from 2.100" to 1.610".

The "300 WSSM" is a 243 WSSM necked up but it is not factory ammo. And although there are many wildcatters here, we must remember that its a wildcat and we are talking about commercial rounds that are supposedly "doomed for extinction". Wildcats have a way to never die even when they should.


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PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:48 pm    Post subject: Re: The Dying WSSMs and others doomed for extinction Reply with quote

tcknight wrote:
chambered221 wrote:

.17 FireBaaaaaaaallllll Very Happy

wtf Were in the world did you come up with that idea ??? ROFL

Read about it on some website. Can't remember where. Poke

and in a very nice looking camo job Remington Predator IIRC

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:15 pm    Post subject: Re: The Dying WSSMs and others doomed for extinction Reply with quote

chambered221 wrote:
What steps are needed to make brass and are dies readily avalible or are they a custom order ???

Run .25 WSSM cases through the .30-cal dies

chambered221 wrote:
are dies readily avalible or are they a custom order ???

DTech has the dies already made for several calibers of WSSM from Hornady.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:12 am    Post subject: Re: The Dying WSSMs and others doomed for extinction Reply with quote

cbsweeney wrote:
I have a 300wsm and I love it! But no more or less than my .308, or 30-30. I didn't get it to replace them, it's just another gun! If you like it, buy it. If not, buy something else! There's no right or wrong choice.

Where would we be if people DIDN'T keep trying different ideas?

I've shot more than a little with the 300WSM & to my mind perceived recoil is on a par with full house .270 Win loads.
Loads I've used in the WSM push 165gr Barnes TSX to 3,250fps - not something the 30-06 is capable of.
This significant increase in velocity leads to a flatter shooting bullet with the ability to take shots at longer distances without compromising terminal effects.
I reckon the 300WSM will be around for a long time to come.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:41 am    Post subject: Re: The Dying WSSMs and others doomed for extinction Reply with quote

Im 76 years old and have enjoyed reading about the new factory and wildcat cartridges as they became available. There are such a wide selection of varmint and big game cartridges it makes very little difference if the WSSMs or any other round is doomed for extinction. Most rifles can be rebarreled to another cartridge and a reloader can make ammo for a extinct round. I have reloaded ammo for my 308 Norma Mag rifle since I first got in the 1960s. That old Norma Mag has taken pronghorn, mule deer, elk, and I have even shot a few prairie dogs at 300 yards to see if if it was still sited in before going big game hunting. What ever you have new or old cartridge learn to reload ammo for it and enjoy shooting it. Who cares what others my think about the round when you are satasfied with it.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:07 am    Post subject: Re: The Dying WSSMs and others doomed for extinction Reply with quote

tcknight wrote:
Dimitri wrote:
You shoot the 17 Remington?


No. I shoot the .17 Fireball and after three years continue to be excited about it. Smile Loaded with 25 gr Berger target bullets, I have great success ridding the world of coyotes and the rare bobcat or two. Also, I no longer have to belly crawl the 100 yards to my fishing lake to shoot the occasional beaver at the required 50 yards or less of my .22, but can do it from my back porch at 150 yards and never leave my cup of coffee. Cool

That must be some cup of coffee!
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:55 pm    Post subject: Re: The Dying WSSMs and others doomed for extinction Reply with quote

And here I am shooting 300 Fireball aka 300-221 or 300 Whisper..

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:20 pm    Post subject: Re: The Dying WSSMs and others doomed for extinction Reply with quote

Gelan, I saw recently that they have yet another name for the .300 Whisper, the .300 Blackout. Seems the only difference is that the Blackout has a longer throat. There is an article in the JAN 2012 issue of Guns & Ammo about it, including load info. They also said that Hornady is producing .300 Whisper ammo and Remington is producing .300 Blackout ammo. That should mean that brass is more available. If and when I get some extra $$ I'd like to look into those and the .30 AR for another deer rifle.


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:29 pm    Post subject: Re: The Dying WSSMs and others doomed for extinction Reply with quote

gelandangan wrote:
And here I am shooting 300 Fireball aka 300-221 or 300 Whisper..

Shocked Learn something new every day. Never heard of it!
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:10 pm    Post subject: Re: The Dying WSSMs and others doomed for extinction Reply with quote

The 300 Whisper is the prefect round for a suppressed AR-15 platform as a modern Delisle Carbine. Smile


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:03 pm    Post subject: Re: The Dying WSSMs and others doomed for extinction Reply with quote

300 blackout have exactly the same LENGTH as 300 Whisper, the difference is neck THICKNESS.

The Blackout are designed to use straight necked DOWN and chopped short 223 REM,
so the actual neck thickness is thicker than necking UP a 221 FB brass on the Whisper.
If the whisper is using 223 REM parent case, then the neck is to be trimmed down so they will fit.
Viz, a stretched piece of brass is thinner than a squashed down piece.

My "whisper" throat have been enlarged a tad to accept untrimmed 223 cases, but since at the time of production 300 AAC BLK are not yet in existence, my gun is then registered as 300 whisper.

Just a few months a go Bushy helps me to purchase a set of dies for the BLK.
They works great on my Whisper Very Happy Very Happy

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:54 pm    Post subject: Re: The Dying WSSMs and others doomed for extinction Reply with quote

Bracer wrote:
...What ever you have new or old cartridge learn to reload ammo for it and enjoy shooting it. Who cares what others my think about the round when you are satasfied with it.

Very sage words Bracer. I cannot, and will not, argue with that sentiment comes from a man with considerably more experience than me and as such should be heeded.

Cheers, Vince

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:46 am    Post subject: Re: The Dying WSSMs and others doomed for extinction Reply with quote

I think their only reason for being is the shorter action.

They are overbore which equals the barrels burn out faster, so you ain't going to shoot it often.

They don't do anything that standard calibers can't do.

And now brass is getting hard to find.

I remember that they dropped a couple of the WSSM's 2 or so years after their introduction, after how many people bought them?

I didn't get on the bandwagon, and I'll stick with the standard calibers. I won't buy Weatherby either.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:52 am    Post subject: Re: The Dying WSSMs and others doomed for extinction Reply with quote

I think most WSM and WSSM chambered guns were sold to Fudds anyways, which means they are lucky to see a full box of ammo fired through them per decade.


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