What direction do the drains spin down under, mate?
According to Corriolis, we should be rotating in opposite directions or some such.... the flag should flop to the right here ,or is it the right? ahhh....I dunnow!
The hog-leg is pretty un-dramatic.
That long barrel really sucks it up good, that and the Pachy grip. I think I'm just too old anymore for plow-handles w/o a glove- not big on gloves, even though it looks a treat with the stock panels.
Sherrif Jim Wilson I aint!
Getting a huntin' rig for carry nailed down as well from Retting.
The Houge grip I wanna try is coming Friday- going to the outdoor ranges for some practice that day was well with some mild stuff, the two other grips I have and a recoil glove for the plow handles- IF the place don't close cuz it's blowing hot again out here and the Fed's are on it. Argh. Not again....
Aint settled on a reload bullet yet.
Wanna jacketed FT for practice, maybe even hunting. If the hog-hunt comes to fruition, might go hard-cast if a robust enough jacketed slug aint avail for pork. But I hate leading so...maybe some Crisco on the base?
I'm also thinking there's a lot of good factory ammo now- but my mentor says relaoding pays off with better consistancy etc. He's right, I'm lazy.
My shootin' partner is very intrested in a hog and will be backing me up (and vice-versa) with his S/W m29 8 3/8"- he's a much better fast-shooter than me so I can breath easier knowing he's got my back with a DA revolver. I could not imagine trying to catch some bacon alone. Tough and mean critters they is.
I have some experimenting to do and I'm really looking forward to it, and, will log it all and share results with ya'll.
I have a great reloading mentor as well that keeps me in check and got around 200 rounds of nice brass. Should be more than plenty to make a lot of different loads.
This is gonna be fun!